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Questions tagged [tags]

The tag has no usage guidance.

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Merge the headphone tags?

There's the [headphones] and the [headphone] tag (plural, non-plural). I suppose these should be merged. I saw them while drafting a question.
DannyNiu's user avatar
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Merge [tag:eq], [tag:equalization] and [tag:equalizer]

The tags eq, equalization and equalizer seem synonymous. Let's merge them?
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Does it make any sense to have "sound" and "design" as tags for a site named "sound design"?

I'm new, browsing the tags of the site. I felt that many (80%?) tags are not documented, and a great many are rather poor choices (IMHO).
U. Windl's user avatar
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Why do we still have a [sound-design] tag?

Why do we still have this tag? It is currently used by 782 questions but it adds nothing considering Sound Design is the name of the site. Can we delete the tag and start re-tagging questions that ...
Ambo100's user avatar
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Tag "Usage guidance (excerpt)" content discussion - How should we proceed?

I recently encountered a difference of opinion with regards to how the Usage guidance (excerpt) section of the Tag Wikis should be used. So I was advised to consult the community to discuss, and ...
n00dles's user avatar
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Merge ableton and ableton-live?

They appear to be the same thing. If there is a difference, it is unlikely that new users would know. I propose the we merge, or make them synonyms
10 Replies's user avatar
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No tag for "Adobe Audition"

I see there is no tag for the popular tool Audition, though there is for Audacity. Maybe someone should flesh out some useful tags, since the SE is still in beta?
JDługosz's user avatar
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